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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Who is TUFI?

We want to thank all that attended the Meet and Greet and also need to apologize. It appears that when the event was scheduled the announcement only went to about 19 people, of the 215 members. Not sure as to why that happened.
One of the key points that came out of the meet and greet is that TUFI though a group of food enthusiast, gardeners, farmers and community it is really you. We are here to foster the sustainable food movement and community development through urban farming and gardening. We are here to help each other and help others become part of the movement. TUFI is as big or small as the individual wants it to be. Whether you want to learn how to garden on your property, porch or balcony or working to establish a viable urban farm, that is up to you and we are here to help.
This also does not limit to just produce, but include mushroom farming, food as medicine, foraging, micro-livestock, bee keeping, flowers, habitat restoration whatever your goal.
What we are trying to arrange is a fruit or nut tree planting although we need donations of tree stocks. What you can look for is donations of damaged trees that a nursery might be willing to donate, even if we only get five or ten that would be great. If for some reason we do not acquire some tree stock then we will be doing a class on generating peach, apple and nectarine trees from seeds. A few of us already have or will have greenhouses shortly we can winter over the saplings we generate and plan on a 2016 Tree Blitz. Think of it this way, we have 216 members currently and if each one of us do just one apple tree we could plant a full public orchard. That would be a major accomplishment from a small effort and really carries our message of "One seed, one hand, one community".
Always looking for you input you can always post to the page or send us an email at and of course keep spreading the word on Troy Urban Farming Initiative and lets keep generating roots in Troy!


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